Detox in Massachusetts

Lake Ave Recovery can help you to find the right Detoxification Services that fit your strenghts and needs

Turning over a new leaf and beginning to live a sober life starts with going to detox. This vital first step shepherds people through the challenging first days of living substance-free and sets them up for the next level of treatment. Lake Avenue Recovery works with people who need to find a quality detox in Massachusetts to begin their journey to healing from addiction. Once they complete a short detox program, they can easily transition to our outpatient treatment facility.

We will help them build on what they learned in detox and make tremendous progress in learning how to live without drugs or alcohol.

What is Drug and Alcohol Detox?

Detox is the first place a person goes when they want to overcome an addiction to drugs or alcohol. Detox programs are usually residential and require the person to stay there for five to ten days, depending on the length and severity of their symptoms.

During detox in Massachusetts, the individual is monitored by medical and psychological clinicians to make sure they stay safe as they go through the detox process. This means the person receives any medications necessary to ease their withdrawal symptoms. They often attend therapy sessions to help them learn to deal with their forthcoming emotions.

After detox, the person transitions to either an outpatient or a residential program.

How Do I Know I Need Drug and Alcohol Detox?

When someone is lost in the world of drinking or abusing drugs, they often find it difficult to recognize how much they need help. Some believe they don’t qualify to go to detox in Massachusetts because they have control and can quit whenever they want without help. The reality is that someone who has lost control of their substance use needs professional help from a licensed program. 

If you feel uncertain about whether or not you need to attend a drug and alcohol detox, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Do I need to drink or use drugs every day or else I feel I cannot function?
  • Do I spend a lot of money on alcohol or drugs?
  • Have loved ones or co-workers told me I have a problem and need to get help?
  • Do I experience withdrawal symptoms such as delirium tremens when I don’t ingest my usual amount of substances?
  • Have I tried to quit drugs or alcohol on my own but couldn’t do it?
  • Have I gone to a program in the past but ended up relapsing?
  • Is my physical or mental health damaged due to my substance use?

Talk to a loved one, your doctor, or an addiction counselor about your answers to these questions to determine if you need to go to detox.

man with addiction to drugs needs detox

What Drugs Require Detox?

The term “substance use disorder” covers several types of substances. When someone develops an addiction, it takes over their lives and makes it difficult to sustain healthy relationships, attend school, and do well at work. When it comes to going to detox in Massachusetts, a person can do so to address any number of types of addiction. The substances detox programs cover include:

  • Alcohol
  • Benzodiazepines
  • Cocaine
  • Opioids
  • Hallucinogens
  • Fentanyl
  • Heroin
  • Kratom
  • Marijuana
  • Methamphetamines
  • Prescription drugs

Some people have an addiction to more than one substance. Fortunately, they can be treated simultaneously at a quality detox center. 

What to Expect at a Detox Program in Massachusetts

When a person arrives at a program for detox in Massachusetts, they will receive a thorough assessment so that their treatment team understands the nature of their addiction. This includes what substances the person uses and how much and long they’ve been using them.

This allows the staff to prepare a treatment plan that suits their unique needs. While the individual moves through the detox process, they will be monitored for withdrawal symptoms and provided with prescription medications, including those for opioid use disorder, if needed, that alleviate both physical and emotional withdrawal symptoms.

Planning for the next stage of treatment will also take place so the person can seamlessly move to the next stage of getting healthy.

peer support during detox in Massachusetts

Detox Withdrawals Symptoms + Timeline

While not everyone has the exact same withdrawal symptoms, many of them are common for both drugs and alcohol. A common withdrawal timeline is as follows: 

  • Day 1: Many withdrawal symptoms start as soon as just a few hours after last taking a substance. They may be mild at first but begin to worsen. Common withdrawal symptoms include nausea, vomiting, sweating, and anxiety.
  • Day 2: Previous symptoms intensity and may include difficulty sleeping, shakiness, irritability, headache, and substance cravings.
  • Day 3-4: Withdrawal symptoms become their strongest during this time. Depression, hallucinations, changes in blood pressure, and more can occur.
  • Day 5-7: Most withdrawal symptoms begin to dissipate, and the individual feels more at ease. The ones most common to continue past the first week are emotional in nature and include anxiety and depression.

Does Insurance Cover Detox?

Many insurance companies understand that substance use disorders cause great damage to a person’s physical and mental health. For that reason, most of them offer some type of coverage for a detox program. Contact your insurance company and ask about your options, including what’s available near you and what levels of care your policy covers.

Here’s a list of some insurance carriers that cover our programs at Lake Avenue Recovery:

Make sure you obtain permission before beginning detox in Massachusetts. Prior approval is the norm for most insurance policies. Verify your insurance today by contacting us.

Begin Treatment at a Detox in Massachusetts

Are you ready to go to detox and then enter an outpatient treatment program that will change your life? Lake Avenue Recovery maintains relationships with local detox programs and can help you find and begin the enrolling process for the right one for you. Let us help you get on the road to recovery with a high-quality and confidential detox in Massachusetts.

Do you have questions about how our program works? Please contact us now and we can answer them and help you get started on the happy, sober life you deserve. 

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We have a longstanding foundation in the treatment and recovery community

Lake Avenue Recovery is a state licensed and Joint Commission accredited organization committed to promoting, maintaining, and restoring the dignity, well-being and mental health for those with substance use disorders and their families serving greater Worcester county and beyond.


  • 132 Years Clinical Excellence
  • 105 Years Recovery Experience
  • 8:1 Ratio Client to Staff
  • 12 Publications on Alcohol and Drug Use

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